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As you progress through your respective Kyu grades, you will need to learn specific Kata. These are individual training exercises that test your ability and your knowledge of certain moves and stances. Below are some instructional videos from Sensei Gary Swift (8th Dan Hanshi) on how to perform these Katas.

Pinan Nidan - required for 7th Kyu

Pinan Shodan - required for 6th Kyu

Pinan Sandan - required for 6th & 5th Kyu

Pinan Yondan - required for 5th & 4th Kyu

Pinan Godan - required for 4th Kyu

Kushanku - required for 3rd, 2nd and 1st Kyu

Nai hanchi - required for 2nd Kyu

Seishan - required for 1st Kyu

Chinto - required for 1st Kyu

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