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Class Information

Wednesday Juniors  7:00pm - 8:00pm

Seniors (16+ years old) 8:00pm - 9:15pm

Sunday  Juniors

 10:00am - 11:00am

Seniors (16+ years old) 11:00am - 12:15pm

We are always happy to welcome new members to the club.


The first lesson is free, so why not come along and give it a try!


You do not have to attend both training sessions, as we only charge when you train.


All of our classes are taught by DBS qualified instructors.


•For insurance purposes, students must be 5+ years
•Just wear loose, comfortable clothing such as tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt.
•For grading, you will need a license at the cost of £25 a year.
The license also provides personal insurance in case of injury.
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