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Meet the Instructors...

Sensei Nick Smith, 8th Dan Kyoshi


It all started when Nick Smith started Wado-ryu Karate in March 1974 and has continued training and instructing since that date without a break.  


Originally training under Sensei Tatsuo Suzuki and his team of Japanese instructors at the UKKF, which became the UKKW, he moved to the EKA with his instructor Mike Cross. After a number of years he joined the Higashi Karate Kai under Peter Spanton after meeting up with Alan Flook and Dave Wheatley. Following many successful years with the HKK, Nick became a founder member of the Western Karate Union with a number of ex HKK senior grades. He helped make the WKU a name in the competition arena. Nick was also a British Karate Referee Tatami Chief under Terry Pottage for a number of years officiating all over the country.


Eventually Nick  decided that he needed to concentrate on Wado-ryu Karate-do, and formed the Kenshukai Wado-ryu Karate-do (KWK) in February 2007. The KWK are members of the British Wado Federation and the International Wado Federation under the guidance of Sensei Gary Swift 8th Dan Hanshi.


Matt Smith, 5th Dan Renshi


Matt began training at BHKC when he was seven. He has competed in Kata and Kumite and was selected to compete at national level for Kumite for the HKK, WKU and our association the Kenshukai Wado-Ryu Karate-Do (KWK) while also acting as the KWK Squad Coach.


Currently, he is focusing on passing on his knowledge to all students and working on achieving his 6th Dan within the next 3 years. Matt hopes to carry on his dad’s legacy of helping many students achieve Dan grades, national championships and accomplishing personal goals.


Matt is also our on-hand first aid representative.

Jason Tanner, 5th Dan


Jason started training in 1990 at BHKC as part of the Higashi Karate Kai. He took his first Dan in 1997 in Forest Gate, East London, under Peter Spanton.


He has attended dozens of advanced courses including kata, weapons, Kumite Kata, Tanto and Muto Dori. He has trained with some great instructors, including Sensei Alan Flook, Gary Swift and Yoshi Shinohara, a traditional Japanese instructor.


Jason stands by the belief that in Karate is always looking for something new to learn.

Les Dean, 5th Dan


Les started training in Wado Ryu in 1982 under Sensei Nick Smith as part of the Higashi Karate Kai. He returned to Karate after a break and achieved his first Dan in Bristol in 2006 under Sensei Alan Flook and the Western Karate Union Dan Grade Panel.


Over the years, Les has benefited from training with some of the best instructors in the country. This has covered courses involving Kata, weapons, Kumite Kata, Tanto and Muto Dori.


Karate requires commitment, dedication and belief, which in turn  provides strength, peace of mind, and friendship. That is why he trains consistently to this day.

Ty Mansfield, 5th Dan


Ty first started training in Wado Ryu at the Burnham and Highbridge Karate Club (BHKC) in 1986 after a school friend of Ty's said he was going to start. He joined him and never looked back and reached the grade of 4th Kyu before leaving for university. It was on a posting to Germany that he found karate again, briefly practising Shotokan under the guidance of Sensei Brian Hall and John Gilliland.

On his return to the UK, Ty re-joined the BHKC and gained his 2nd Kyu. He went on to start his own club in Rhiendahlen under Nick Sensei’s help and guidance, achieving his Shodan (1st Dan) in 2004. One of his proudest moments was watching the first of his students pass their black belt gradings. Currently, he is Chief Instructor at the Burlington Kenshukai Wado Ryu Karate-do.

Ty has trained in judo and ju-jitsu. Recently he is interested in kata and its application, as well as tanto-dori, muto-dori and kumite gata.

Dan Smith, 3rd Dan


Dan started training in the Burnham & Highbridge Junior Karate Club when he was 5 years old in 1984.


He has trained steadily and represented the club at a number of competitions in Kumite and Kata. He enjoys teaching the Junior club members and uses skills learned as a Venture Scout to encourage the students.

Dan has trained with some very high grade instructors and enjoyed all aspects of their teaching, travelling many miles to further his knowledge of Wado Ryu. He is a valued teaching resource at the club.

Andy Constance, 3rd Dan 


Andy started training in 2005 after sitting on the sidelines watching his kids take part.


After achieving his black belt five years later, he has become a regular instructor and still continues to train - even after his kids have all grown up!


Favourite Kata: Chinto, it features Katashi-Dachi, which is an unusual crane-like stance.



Lauren Constance, 2nd Dan


Lauren started Karate as a junior and achieved her black belt when she turned 13. She has since become a 2nd Dan and continues to train as well as instruct classes.


Due to her interest in Japanese culture and language she gained through Karate, she went on to study Japanese at university. She also trained in a Dojo in Tokyo.


Favourite technique: Ushirogeri, meaning backwards kick. It definitely tests your balance!

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